What is Business?

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Written By FredrickHobbs

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What is Business?

What exactly is business? What exactly is business? It’s a process which produces, sells and distributes products and services in order to earn a profit. Companies typically deal with products and services that are both consumer and industrial. Industrial and consumer goods are intended for consumption. Services include water, electricity and finance. While some of these activities may not directly be related to employment, other activities are. Let us discuss a few examples.

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In the past, the idea of business was primarily producer-oriented. Nowadays, businesses are largely consumer-oriented. In other words, instead of creating the things that are wanted instead, it’s more about producing what people desire. While business is often viewed as a social venture, there are some drawbacks. One of the biggest downsides that businesses face is uncertainty. Uncertainty may be caused by shifting consumer requirements, changes in government policies or a mix of both. Business may also experience trade cycles. Keynes states that trade cycles could include periods of high unemployment, both good and bad trade, and declining prices.

Business has a profit motive, as the name implies. It’s not a legitimate business when it doesn’t have an interest in profit. Business owners are in it for the purpose of making money and wealth. Through providing top-quality products and services, businesses are able to generate profits and satisfy customers. A business can thrive by offering quality items and services at low costs. Businesses need customers in order to survive. The profitability and success of a business is directly related to the level of satisfaction it receives.

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